SOUTH PACIFIC 2012 - Treasures of Oceania
Sailing Holidays in the South Pacific and sailing adventure for all ages. From April to October 2012 we sail to the best Pacific tropical islands, lagoons and anchorages of Oceania.

An authentic trans Tasman square rig passage from the ship's new base in Sydney Harbour to New Zealand is blue water sailing at its best.
An ocean passage from New Zealand to Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands sets Soren Larsen up for a tropical trade wind route in a series of voyages across Polynesia and Melanesia.
From Raro we sail north and west to the remote northern Cooks, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Samoa, the whale breeding grounds of northen Tonga and colourful Fiji.
We explore the wild untouched beauty and undisturbed culture of the islands of Vanuatu, and the classical South Sea beauty of New Caledonia. A sailing passage from Noumea to Lord Howe and Sydney completes an incredible season's voyaging.
Choose which type of voyage suits you best.
The thrill and challenge of blue water ocean sailing provides total involvement in the ship, with time to master the rig, become confident aloft or learn something of ocean navigation. Or you can take a more leisurely island cruise navigating between tropical anchorages and exploring an island paradise ashore untouched by modern tourism.

You will be signed on to ship's articles as Voyage Crew. Alongside the permanent crew you will stand watches, take the helm, handle lines, raise sail and let the routines of a sailing ship take you back to a slower more relaxed era.
Relive the classic days of sail with Søren Larsen as she harnesses the world’s trade winds for this ocean adventure.
Sail in the wake of the ancient Polynesian navigators and pioneering voyages of Captain Cook aboard this magnificently restored square rigger.

Contact us for more information.
Tallship Soren Larsen / Sydney Tallships Ltd
39 George Street, The Rocks NSW 2000
Note - for previous Bridgewater Chartering/Soren Larsen matters
 Voyage Log Blog Section: Read the first hand experiences of those onboard!
Voyage crew and permanent crew give their own accounts.. 
See Pacific anchorages picture gallery 
Video gallery - tropical cruising to ocean sailing,
see footage of our voyages across the Pacific! 